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Written submissions of university students how to write job? A template is provided below, please refer to.

Dear leaders:


First of all, sincerely thank you for taking time from busy schedule to look at my personal statement.

10 years of Han Chuang studying, forged my knowledge and self-confidence. College of learning and growth will be more tempered in my improved my self-cultivation! "No pain, no gain"! I will exert my utmost efforts, working hard to realize their own value of life.

As a new century, college students, I had a kind of dare to recommend yourself for daring to explore and innovative spirit. Honest and upright character made me really understand how to use and to pay to acquire someone else's return, I will use the efforts and wisdom to fight for my space, so that the community to accommodate me. Explosion in the knowledge economy era requires not only knowledge, but also the need for capacity - to accept new things and adapt to new environment. Every social practice, I have taken seriously. In every practice, I have tried their best to treat it, to develop the hard-working, determined and confident, helpful spirit! University during the year, part-time Huambo computer company, I worked as a technician, salesperson, to have a deeper understanding of business. After graduation, I have been unified to ** Electronics ** Assistant Engineer engaged in the work of automation equipment. I believe I also believe you! Give me a chance, poised and then I will be also issued you a surprise!

Days Gentleman to self-improvement!

The attached job-seeking resumes and look forward to your interview!


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