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07-19 01:22:11| http://www.caiwu51.com |英文简历模板|人气:237我要推荐此文给好友


 My name is Wang Jun I come from Shougang Institute of Technology E-Business,Now about to graduate.I'm looking for a job as soon as possible into the community!That your company is recruiting candidates, I wanted to come!

    Outgoing personality, I love table tennis and other ball games fun!Like to make friends chat online with people sharing good,

    I am majoring in specialized courses in school division of e-commerce, Internet marketing, computer application technology professional, learning seriously, cum laude, won scholarships, and received National University Certificate in English 3; I prefer the contact with new things, like the innovation. University of classes for three years has served as student leaders, united students, friendship and mutual assistance. Counselors can assist teachers to work actively, there are certain management organizations.

    I am sure that is competent in your own company. If you can become a member of your company, I am willing to work hard, from the grassroots level to play to my strengths and talents to contribute to your company's development of a modest strength.Thanks!


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