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  • 07-20怎样避免职场白痴地发脾气

    | Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语 Scream at the boss? Snap at a colleague? Throw your cell ...礼仪英语

  • 07-20职场英语:和各国客户沟通的十大技巧

    | Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语 在商务活动中,掌握一定的和客户沟通的技巧是十分必要的,这能让你...礼仪英语

  • 07-20面试英语:第一印象很重要

     大家都知道第一印象的重要性。 老美是很讲效益的,但和人第一次见面时,他们往往会先问一些无关紧要的问题。这叫做"Breaking the ice(establish a rapport )"。求职面试...礼仪英语

  • 07-20面试中最糟糕的错误

     By Rosemary Haefner Hiring managers don't want to hear a lot of things during an interview -- confessions of a violent past, a cell phone ring, a toilet flu...礼仪英语

  • 07-20英文面试三大注意事项

     如果你获得了第一轮英文面试(The first round English interview)的机会,预示着你梦想的职位正向你招手,这轮面试的分量可想而知,所以你应该确保在面试中发挥最佳状态。...礼仪英语

  • 07-20面试中小事也重要

     Preparing for an interview can be stressful -- and time-consuming. You can spend days researching a company, brainstorming answers to "trick" questions and pr...礼仪英语

  • 07-20用英语描述工作进度的相关表达

     老板问你项目进行得怎么样时,你要怎么回答呢?以下是描述工作进度时常用的句式,供大家参考: 1. How's the project going? 项目进展得怎么样? 2. Great! We're wa...礼仪英语

  • 07-20离职礼仪知多少?

     How Many Ways Can You Say Goodbye to a Job? 有多少种方式可以和当前工作说“拜拜”? As talk of a thaw in hiring freezes rises above a whisper, many people a...礼仪英语

  • 07-20英语礼节:礼貌使用电话

     陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他和同事Amy散会一起往外走。 (Office ambience) A:Chen Hao, I can't believe what you were doing during that meeting. C:开会...礼仪英语

  • 07-20职场礼节:有效找到交谈人

     陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他下班后跟美国同事Amy一起去参加应酬。 (Office ambience) C:谢谢你陪我来,Amy, 每次公司有这种应酬,我都特别不自在。 A:W...礼仪英语

  • 07-20面试过程中你不得不知的礼节

     Don't say: "My current boss is horrendous."  Why: It's unprofessional. Your interviewer might wonder when you'd start bad-mouthing her. For all you kn...礼仪英语

  • 07-20如何让对方接电话慢点儿说话

     One of the biggest problems is speed. Native speakers, especially business people, tend to speak very quickly on the telephone. Here are some practical tips t...礼仪英语

  • 07-20如何用英语邀请客户吃饭?

    邀请老外去吃饭,一般有以下常用句式: I wonder if you have time this evening? 我想知道您今晚是否有空? Would you be interested in dinner with me ? 今晚能请您...礼仪英语

  • 07-20怎样巧谈自己的缺点

     Worldwide Panel LLC, a small market-research firm, is getting flooded with resumes for four vacancies in sales and information technology。 小型市场研究公司...礼仪英语

  • 07-20让同事对你生厌的10大损招

     Do you want to know how to make your coworkers hate you? Follow this advice. These are surefire ways to ensure your coworkers will look forward to the day you...礼仪英语

  • 07-20十种职场英语“潜规则”

     1.Don't be a yes /no man , be a good lieutenant。 不要做一个“唯唯诺诺者/否定论者”,做一个“优秀的中尉”(注:有朋友建议翻译成:优秀的助手)。 Offer poli...礼仪英语

  • 07-20商务礼仪之Surviving the Gender Divide

    陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他有事去找美国同事Amy。(Office ambience)A:Hi Chen Hao, how are you?C:我有个问题,要请教你。你有时间吗?A:Sure. I don't have ...礼仪英语

  • 07-20商务礼仪之Traveling with the Senior Exe

    陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他在走廊上遇到美国同事Amy。(Office ambience)A:Good Morning Chen Hao. How are you?C:I am fine, 不过,我正找你呢。 我有点急事要请...礼仪英语

  • 07-20商务礼仪之 Cell Phone Civility

    商务礼仪之 Cell Phone Civility陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他和同事Amy散会一起往外走。(Office ambience)A:Chen Hao, I can't believe what you were doing durin...礼仪英语

  • 07-20商务礼仪之Knowing Your Boundaries at Work

    陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他在走廊上遇到同事Amy。(Office ambience)C:早上好,Amy. 我刚听到一条办公室的小道消息。A:小道消息?C:是关于销售部那个金发美女S...礼仪英语

  • 07-20新人入职的10个超实用英文句型

     1. Please respond to this conditional offer before May.15th if you accept it。 如接受此offer,请于5月15日前回复。 2. On the condition that you hand in the...礼仪英语

  • 07-20礼仪英语:18条国际礼仪,大家都有必要知道

     What's the “first custom” in the international society? 被国际社会公认的“第一礼俗”是什么? “Lady first”.女士优先。 2.What is the “Three A” princ...礼仪英语

  • 07-20面对美国人不能说的“秘密”

     Americans prefer informal: In general, Americans preferinformal greetings and using first names or nicknames when speaking with colleagues and acquaintances。...礼仪英语

  • 07-20礼仪英语:怎样与同事相处

     Office protocol can make it different for one employee to ask anther for help. While no one likes the shirker who never seems to be able to quite get his own ...礼仪英语

  • 07-20综合辅导之礼仪英语

    久仰! I’ve heard so much about you. 好久不见了! Long time no see. 辛苦了! You’ve had a long day.You’ve had a long flight. 尊敬的朋友们! Disting...礼仪英语

  • 07-20商务礼仪—— Table Manners(1)

     1) As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin(餐巾), pick yours up and lay it on your lap. Sometimes a roll of bread is wrapped in it; if so, toke it our and ...礼仪英语

  • 07-20商务礼仪—— With Strangers and Friends

     1) Lending and borrowing are more matters of principle in the West than in the East. Things borrowed in the West are definitely expected to be returned, wheth...礼仪英语

  • 07-20商务礼仪—— Some Points for Men

     1) With a Lady  Always allow the lady to precede you in places where one has to go before the other except in the following case: when getting off a street...礼仪英语

  • 07-20商务礼仪—— In the Home

     1) The Right Time to Arrive  When invited to luncheon, dinner, or supper, it is very impolite to arrive late, as it is usually planned to have the meal at t...礼仪英语

  • 07-20打招呼的礼仪

    招呼用语言表示的是打招呼人与被打招呼人之间的一种交往关系。如果遇到熟人打招呼或别人给你打招呼,你装作没看见,都是不礼貌的行为。 1.“你吃了吗?” 这是中国历史...礼仪英语

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