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university 英文自荐信范文

07-19 00:56:14| http://www.caiwu51.com |英文自荐信|人气:296我要推荐此文给好友

university 英文自荐信范文,本站还有更多英文自荐信,自荐信范文,自荐信格式,自荐信模板方面的资料。

Hello, thank you for your review of my resume. I believe that if you in my this letter will spend a few minutes, we will not only have one side of the edge.
Since 2001, jiangxi financial graduated from university for 10 years, including beautiful work time accounted for 7 years. In beauty, I successive financial executives, financial manager and have beautiful characteristic sales company supervisor. Beautiful business is developing rapidly, of course, decent income, let I bought a house early in guangzhou, also have some savings. Nonetheless, I never regret leaving beautiful. Because, after leaving beauty, I really realized to own insufficiency, I can for my future career plan early.
My management ability from think to pretty good also. In the beauty, my subordinates from two to seven or eight others not. I insist that every open early will arrangement deployment the day's work, weekend was summarized, the search insufficiency and corrected. I believe that Bill Gates' a word, don't try to a person make 100% effort, but to make 100 people as 1% of power per person. Financial work is not a person can complete, solidarity and cooperation is very important. How to manage people, with good, up a learning self-help group, was an administrator must seriously thinking of problem.
Of course, do so many years of accounting work, familiar with PC operation can also be an advantage, especially good at EXCEL statistical data analysis.

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