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03-23 01:24:30| http://www.caiwu51.com |英文自荐信|人气:740我要推荐此文给好友

正文:Dear Sir / Miss:

Hello! I wish to apply for your company's Web site to recruit engineers for network maintenance jobs. I have confidence in line with the requirements of your company.

In July this year, I graduated from Tsinghua University. Master of my professional development and application of computer, paper is to examine the contents of Linux systems in the network server applications. This is not only made me grasp the network system design and maintenance of the technology, while at the same time I am of today's networks have a deep understanding of the development.

In college, I have access to scholarships, and many published papers. I also served as a squad leader, the party branch secretaries Mission, has a strong ability to organize and coordinate. A strong sense of professionalism and responsibility to make any team I have been able to face difficulties and challenges.

Internet has promoted the development of the whole world, I would like the Chinese Internet and your company make its own contribution to development.

With the letter with my resume. If the opportunity to interview with you, I would be very grateful.

Sincerely, 如果觉得《研究生英文自荐信》不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

文章关键字:求职自荐 - 英文自荐信,自荐信范文,自荐信格式,自荐信模板   

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